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Juicing For Your Manhood Discount Product Buy Click Here USA

Every man has the right and responsibility to seize his own sexual power so that he can gift both himself and his woman or women with incred...

Every man has the right and responsibility to seize his own sexual power so that he can gift both himself and his woman or women with incredible passion and pleasure. This book is well put together into helping men improve their erections, energy levels, and sex drive at any age using simple, all-natural blended beverage formulas that anyone can make at the comfort of their home. Its purpose is to guide you on a journey of discovery on how to turn your kitchen and your local grocery store into a veritable apothecary of man-enhancing power, which will give you steamy sex life and incredible vitality even past the age where most men in this modern society have decided to hang it up. This is your guide to discovering the natural solution that stops the 'limp libido syndrome' dead on its tracks, boosts your testosterone, and skyrockets your sex drive naturally in two weeks or less. The recipes mentioned in this amazing book will force your body into a virtuous cycle so that you can ooze with sex appeal and natural masculine drive, all in less than five minutes per day. All you really need to do is switch on just a little bit of the masculine momentum inside your body, and you will automatically enter what the scientists refer to as a positive feedback loop. You will effortlessly put in motion all the natural forces inside your body that produce more testosterone, more savage masculine energy, and more ravenous libido. The moment you begin this cycle, nothing can stop it, not even you! Your body will be signaled to keep pressing the gas pedal on releasing even more testosterone continuing the cycle. Here is the sad news, though- it is not enough to just switch testosterone production on because there are seven verity vampires lurking in your environment that are draining your body of its natural vigor. The goal of this book is to teach you the basics of how to improve your life with specially formulated blended beverages and provide you with a starting point of how to enhance aspects of your masculinity. Before you begin using this awesome guide, here is an outline for how to use it for the best and most effective results:

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  • You do not require any level of precision. If the book says six leaves of vegetables and you feel like putting seven or less of that number, do not hold yourself back. Follow your instincts because this is what being a real man is all about.

  • Make a habit of drinking these beverages as fresh as possible. Preferably, you should consume them immediately after blending because some nutrients may disappear from the formula if you store it in the refrigerator.

For the effectiveness of the regimen and to ensure the best results, consume at least one beverage every single day. Doing it once or twice a week will not cut it.

  • Try combining these juices with exercise for the best results.

  • Make sure to drink a lot of water, preferably from non-plastic bottles, to avoid one of the virility vampires. Drink two to three liters of water per day.

  • Learn to prevent degradation; improvement isn't enough. What this means is that we are attacking the testosterone issue on two fronts: first, is by using ingredients known to stimulate hormone production, and second, by using ingredients known to eliminate toxins messing up with the hormonal system.

While on this routine, spice your vegetable juice as you see fit. The fact that there are no spices included in any recipe is intentional because spicing is a personal matter, and it would be practically impossible to please everyone with a specific choice. Experiment and discover what spices make the beverages taste best. Some of the ideas you can borrow include the addition of Himalayan salt, celery seeds, crunched cayenne pepper, Tabasco sauce, garlic, hot banana peppers, and curcumin. This program involves drinking delicious, inexpensive, and easy-to-prepare beverages that you will look forward to doing every day. This secret stash of delicious blended beverage recipes will:

  • Make that special woman in your life squeal with feminine delight.

  • Make your manhood pulse with throbbing power.

  • Make your muscles swell with life-blood

  • Make your veins burst from your skin like they are being inflated by an industrial oil pump.

These juices will slay the virility vampires that drag you down and enable you to boost your charisma that will attract all the women you want. By following these recipes, you will gain an overwhelming advantage to:

  • Tap into the pulsing power of the natural masculinity that the nasty virility vampires are suppressing.

  • Torch the feminine fat deposits and “man boobs” that repel the hottest women

  • Reinvigorate your metabolism to build slabs of lean, sexy muscles

  • Develop the golden glow of mystery, charisma, and dominance that women find irresistible, and men actually respect regardless of your age, height, or income.

  • Decrease your risk of depression, cancer, and cardiovascular disease

  • Reverse impotence giving you the throbbing, rock-solid erections of a teenager

  • Give you the energy and willpower required to tackle and overcome personal and professional challenges.

As it has been mentioned, there are various verity vampires that challenge the success of these regimen. You are probably wondering what they are, right? It may shock just how much you consume these enemies in your daily life. For some reason, they cannot be avoided as they are found in virtually almost all foodstuffs you tend to buy. The good news is these virility vampires have their food enemies that will help you fight back against their effects. Find out what these are that you need to avoid and just how you can avoid them with the aid of this guide and watch as you bounce back with vigor.

What Are The Recommended Blenders?

You cannot achieve this regimen without owning at least a blender in that kitchen of your whether small or big. As this program is about blended juices, you will require a machine that will do the work for you. When it comes down to the specific blender that you need, any regular blender will do. Seriously, you can get the job done with just any blender in the market that is available. Although you will miss out on all the juice specific features of specialized blenders, you will be able to do some experiments with juicing before investing further into this healthy practice. This guide will recommend some of the best blenders, both the inexpensive ones and the costly ones that will help you do the job perfectly without any worry. In addition, you will understand how to use each of the recommended ones and what caution to take before investing in a specific one. You will also get some data on juice extractors and the benefits of having one or if you need one for this specific course.

Before launching into this program, it will be crucial to comprehend what antioxidants are and what is their association with testosterone production. This book will provide a clear subsection where you will understand the following:

  • What are antioxidants?

  • What are free radicals? What is their effect on your body?

  • What is the result of having too many free radicals in your body?

  • What are the defense mechanisms that your body uses to neutralize the free radicals and the benefits of this process?

  • Sources of antioxidants

  • Vitamins as essential primers.

Below are the 17 recipes that will make you feel an instant invigorating buzz swarm every cell in your body. The recipes in this book will help every man out there to hack their hormones and reinvigorate their lives, their sex drives, and their magnetic mojo using the power of 'manhancing juicing'- the ultimate testosterone booster!

Recipe #1: The Performance-Enhancing Pomegranate Potion

The preparation time for this recipe is about 8 minutes. Find out what exactly it is that you need that will go hand in hand to increase your testosterone production, preserve your testosterone from endurance training and make your women addicted to your sweet-tasting semen, making them want more and more in their mouth. Additionally, this recipe has the potential to eliminate parabens and phthalates, some of the virility vampires that you will encounter as you read this book.

Recipe #2: The Peruvian Marching Mix

The preparation time for this awesome mix is about 12 minutes. The ingredients included in this recipe are known to help with sexual hormones production. Aside from that, one of them will improve the texture of the mixture, improve the taste, and is also an excellent antioxidant, especially when combined with another ingredient that is mentioned in this recipe. You want to increase your testosterone levels naturally, eliminate the virility vampires, and detox your body from heavy metals such as mercury while at the same time helping your endocrine system in the production process? This is your chosen recipe- read this guide to find out what these ingredients are that could literally save your life right now.

Recipe #3: Orgasm enhancing Fruit Juice

Preparation time is about twelve minutes, and the recipe involves six ingredients that you will find almost anywhere at a grocery store. The ingredients are important for your muscle health, essential for more intense contractions during orgasms. It will also help in suppressing the synthesis of estrogen in the body, which will result in rising of testosterone levels.

Recipe #4: The Beet Ginger Man Blast

Preparation time for this simple but authentic recipe is 8 minutes. The ingredients incorporated here will go a long way in providing protection against acrylamide, another virility vampire that you have to deal with. You will also increase your testosterone levels naturally, which is the one major goal in all the recipes mentioned.

Recipe #5: Spicy Apple Marvel

This recipe requires about 6 minutes for preparation. It is a combination of six key ingredients, an invention from the Mediterranean region. This juice will give you a delicious and memorable experience; you will probably keep preparing it on a daily basis. Spicy Apple Marvel recipe is among the most effective juice recipe of the whole book as it fights five virility vampires at the same time.

Recipe #6: The Toxin Cleaner Fruit Juice

The preparation time for the recipe is about 8 minutes. This combination will help you flush out the parabens and the phthalates, facilitate testosterone production, eradicate the excitotoxins, improve your muscle health, which is essential for intense contractions during orgasms and suppression of estrogen production, leading to rising levels of testosterone. You will probably find it weird when you notice the combination of fruits and vegetables in this recipe, but there is nothing to worry about. Provided the vegetables do not have a strong taste; their presence will not be noticeable.

Recipe #7: T-boost Red Juice

It is believed that red is the color- a probable reason why this juice. The ingredients used are great antioxidants with the ability to destroy excitotoxins. Stimulation of testosterone production is also one of the great benefits of the mixture. The preparation time for this mixture is about 8 minutes.

Recipe #8: Ultimate Vegetable Prostate Defense

The combination in this mixture yields a high antioxidant property. The mixture will also prevent prostate cancer in addition to fighting against isoflavones. It takes about 8 minutes to prepare the Ultimate Vegetable Prostate defense.

Recipe #9: Citrus T Boost Juice

The high content of vitamin C in this juice decreases the stress hormone cortisol and indirectly helps testosterone levels. The preparation time for this recipe is about 8 minutes.

Recipe 10: V7 Juice

This is a combination of six recipes that will give you amazing results. The preparation takes only about 8 minutes.

Recipe 11: The Delicious Weird Juice

It is just as the name suggests. This super juice contains an ingredient that will provide your body with zinc, a mineral that is an excellent source of zinc, which is needed for sperm production. Now, your sperm count is the one thing you do not want going down if you are a man; in addition to this, the ingredients included are packed with antioxidants and will come a long way in boosting your testosterone production. A new ingredient is introduced in this recipe- a very common one at that, but you may not be aware of what it does for you as a man. This ingredient is essential for male sexual health. Find out more about this in the guide that will deepen your understanding and explain why you need to take more notice of this particular fruit.

Recipe 12: Tropical Juice

This recipe will give you the most unusual flavor that you have ever tasted. Trust me; you will keep going for more. The mixture has the potential to eliminate the parabens and phthalates and flush out the isoflavones.

Recipe #13: Sunshine Splash Juice

The preparation time for this recipe is around 7 minutes. This simple but delicious juice recipe is good against acrylamide, excitotoxins, isoflavones, parabens, phthalates, DDT, and other organochlorides.

Recipe #14: The Little Naughty Red Juice

A combination of four ingredients that requires about six minutes to be fully prepared: this little juice is simple, delicious and will increase your T level and help you take care of the virility vampires.

Recipe #15: The Sweet Green Juice

This recipe will take you a total of about six minutes to be ready for consumption. Try this juice if you are one of those people who avoid green juices because you do not like the taste. This mixture of fruits and vegetables will give you an exquisite taste beyond your expectation. It will provide you with a boost of vitamin C as well as help in fighting against parabens, phthalates, and BPA.

Recipe #16: Strawberry Ninja

This new recipe is a little bit different from the ones mentioned earlier. It is a mixture that you need to drink with your partner- it will awaken urges in both of you that you were not suspecting they were present. It is also good in eliminating the virility vampires.

Recipe #17: Juice of Love

This recipe requires a little more of on the ingredients, but it is totally worth it. The Juice of Love is a very sensual and sweet juice to share prior to those special intimate moments. The combination will help in eliminating the virility vampires, strengthen your muscle health essential for more intense contractions during orgasms, and will work against estrogen rise in your body. Individual components of this mixture will regulate your sex hormone and add good taste to your body fluids. Additionally, your blood flow will increase everywhere in the body, and it is packed with antioxidants.


These recipes are guaranteed to work without the annoying needles, gels, expensive herbs, and lots of time and culinary expertise. At this point, you are probably wondering about what recipe to go for out of the seventeen mentioned above. One common thing cutting across is that they are all good. However, these are some of the factors to consider when choosing what works for you:

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  • It is dependent on the availability of the ingredients. You are not going to be struggling with a recipe that you know very well that finding the individual ingredients will be a challenge. Choose something that will not give you too much hustle.

  • After trying them all, you’ll have favorites and some that you will like less. Respect that. You don't need to use all of the 17 recipes.

  • Your body likes variety. If you provide it with a different recipe every day, you can expect a better result

  • When you have the Juicing For Your Manhood book, you’ll realize that some foods are more potent than others by protecting you from the Virility Vampires, so I would prefer recipes containing these “super” foods over the others.

  • Make sure that you alternate the recipes in order to be protected against the 7 Virility Vampires. As you will see, all recipes provide defense against several vampires all at once. Just schedule your juices, so you are protected from all of them.

  • You can target a specific recipe based on your situation. If you eat French fries, you could get a recipe providing defense against acrylamide. If you went to a Chinese buffet or drank some diet sodas, then I would go for recipes that help excitotoxins elimination and so on. In this scenario, the logo system will be very helpful.

How soon you notice the results depends on how much effort you put into the program. Following everything exactly as it has been stated in the guide will make you begin seeing the results and increase in your sex drive and energy in two to three weeks.

Here are a few more reasons why these blended beverage recipes are for you:

  • They are delicious

  • The beverages are easy and fast -you do not require great culinary skills or expertise in the kitchen to be able to make these recipes.

  • They are fun and exciting to prepare

  • They are flexible

  • The changes are rapid

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