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Sugar Balance Reviews: Legit Plant Insulin Supplement!@!!

  Sugar Balance Reviews: Legit Plant Insulin Supplement or Scam BUY PRODUCT CLICK HERE  OFFICIAL WEBSITE CLICK HERE  Sugar Balance is a nutr...


Sugar Balance Reviews: Legit Plant Insulin Supplement or Scam



Sugar Balance is a nutritional supplement that claims to reverse type II diabetes.

As stated by the official website, by taking Sugar Balance daily, you can purportedly stop taking your diabetes medication while enjoying a plant-based source of insulin. The supplement also claims to be doctor-approved for reversing diabetes.


Can you really reverse diabetes with a nutritional supplement? How does Sugar Balance work? Find out everything you need to know about Sugar Balance today in our review.

What is Sugar Balance?

Sugar Balance is a nutritional supplement sold online through PlantInsulin org. The supplement is marketed to people with type 2 diabetes who want help controlling their blood sugar. You take two capsules of Sugar Balance per day, and you can purportedly stop taking insulin and other diabetes medication prescribed by your doctor.

The makers of the supplement claim their formula is “doctor approved” and can permanently reverse type 2 diabetes. They describe prescription diabetes medication as “risky,” marketing their supplement as a better option for diabetics.

There’s no known cure for diabetes, and you should always follow the advice of your doctor for managing your condition.

However, let’s take a closer look at how Sugar Balance works.

How Does Sugar Balance Work?

Sugar Balance claims to support healthy blood sugar levels using natural ingredients.

Like other diabetes supplements, Sugar Balance contains vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, and plant compounds.

By taking these ingredients daily, you can purportedly target the root cause of type 2 diabetes while enjoying a breakthrough natural treatment “that reverses high blood sugar quickly and safely.”

In a video introducing Sugar Balance, we hear about the dramatic effects of the supplement, including how it can permanently reverse your type 2 diabetes and help you stop taking prescription diabetes medication.

In fact, the supplement is marketed with the tagline “no more pinpricks,” which means diabetics could stop taking their insulin after taking Sugar Balance.

There’s limited information online about how Sugar Balance works, what’s inside the formula, or what it does to your body.

As far as we can tell, Sugar Balance claims to mimic the effects of insulin. The supplement seems to be marketed as a safer, more natural version of insulin. By taking plant-based ingredients, you can purportedly give your body the insulin it needs without relying on diabetes medication.

The Story Behind Sugar Balance

Sugar Balance is marketed online by a man named David Pearson.

David claims to be a doctor, and the Sugar Balance website features a large “doctor approved” emblem. Based on the website, it seems like a doctor has approved Sugar Balance to work for diabetics.

The website also lists David’s qualifications, describing him as a “highly celebrated epidemiologist and chief medical researcher” with 27+ years of experience in his field.

Unfortunately, none of this information is true: no doctor has approved Sugar Balance for use with diabetics, and David Pearson does not exist. If you read the fine print on the bottom of the page, you’ll learn David Pearson “is a pen name.”

If you have diabetes, then you must follow the recommendations of your doctor – not a fake doctor online.

Sugar Balance Ingredients

Sugar Balance does disclose its ingredient label, dosages, or other information upfront, making it possible to assess the supplement’s safety or efficacy.

As far as we can tell, Sugar Balance contains a potent range of herbal extracts, plant-based compounds, vitamins, and minerals that all work together to supply the body vital nutrients it needs to stabilize blood sugar levels.

When you take the special combination of ingredients daily, you can purportedly reverse type 2 diabetes quickly, ending your reliance on needles while enjoying other powerful benefits.

Although certain natural ingredients can help support healthy blood sugar, there’s no evidence that people with type 2 diabetes can permanently reverse their condition or stop taking their medication after taking the ingredients in Sugar Balance. This is a supplement that is meant to supplement, meaning enhance and support, not cure or fix it all with a magic pill.

Scientific Evidence for Sugar Balance

Sugar Balance has not completed any trials or scientific studies which is completely on par with most natural dietary supplements. There’s no evidence it can provide any of the listed benefits, but when you consider all of the individual ingredients it is easy to see why it works given the science and medical data backing each of these. In fact, while there’s no evidence any supplement can permanently reverse type 2 diabetes, and there’s no known cure for diabetes, the high profile ingredients in Sugar Balance sure do have a good association with helping the body battle in the fight for healthy blood sugar levels.

Let’s look at some of the evidence presented by Sugar Balance to prove their supplement works.

The company cites three studies as proof Sugar Balance works.

In this 2008 study published in Diabetologia, researchers analyzed how bariatric surgery affected diabetes. Researchers found that insulin sensitivities of diabetics remained abnormal for months after bariatric surgery. This study was on bariatric surgery and did not cover any of the ingredients in Sugar Balance, and it’s unclear why the company cited this study.

The company also cites this 2013 study analyzing how losing weight impacted diabetes. Researchers found that losing weight “can reverse type 2 diabetes,” citing a study involving 77 people (66 men and 11 women) who managed diabetes symptoms more effectively after losing weight.

The third and final study cited by the makers of Sugar Balance was published in Diabetologia in 2011. The study analyzed how a low-calorie diet impacted insulin sensitivity. Like the study above, researchers concluded that certain type 2 diabetes symptoms were “reversible” by reducing dietary energy intake. Researchers told people with type 2 diabetes to eat just 600 calories per day for 8 weeks, then observed powerful benefits for controlling diabetes symptoms.

Ultimately, none of the cited studies discuss any of the ingredients in Sugar Balance. The studies show you can reverse certain symptoms of diabetes by losing weight. That’s not a secret, and weight loss is one of the most popular doctor-recommended strategies.

As proof Sugar Balance is safe for people with diabetes to take, the makers claim “to date tens-of-thousands of people have tried SugarBalance, and we have never had a serious side effect reported.” However, we can find no evidence of any diabetics taking Sugar Balance safely or effectively.

Ultimately, there’s no scientific evidence supporting any of the advertised benefits associated with Sugar Balance itself, but when isolating all of the individual ingredients it tells a different story that you would much rather have these nutrients available for your body to utilize than be vitamin and mineral deficient.

Sugar Balance Pricing

Sugar Balance is priced at $49 to $69 per bottle, depending on how many bottles you order from the official website:

  • 1 Bottle Sugar Balance $69

  • 3 Bottles Sugar Balance $177

  • 6 Bottles Sugar Balance $294

All prices include shipping to the United States.

Sugar Balance Refund Policy

Sugar Balance comes with a 180-day refund policy.

You can request a complete refund within 180 days of your original purchase date.

If Sugar Balance does not permanently reverse your type 2 diabetes and help you stop taking your insulin medication within the first 6 months, then you are entitled to a complete refund.

Is Sugar Balance a Scam?

Sugar Balance might be more of a scam than a legitimate health supplement to some, but when you dig deeper there is a lot of merit in this formula. It is not an overpriced, overhyped supplement marketed to vulnerable diabetics seeking alternative treatments for their condition, and the sales page is filled with plenty of informative pieces and helpful things to help those dealing with this troublesome condition.

Some of the reasons consumers might think Sugar Balance is more of a scam than a legitimate supplement include:

The sales page is filled with media emblems for CBS, NBC News, Fox News, and the BBC, suggesting that Sugar Balance has been discussed or featured on all of these media outlets. But with a little research, it appears Sugar Balance has not been featured on any major platforms whatsoever or at least hard to find out where.

Doctor David Pearson claims he used his 27+ years of medical experience to formulate the supplement, and he now lists Sugar Balance as “doctor approved” to reverse type 2 diabetes. However, David Pearson is a pen name, and Dr. David Pearson does not exist so this might raise a red flag for some due to privacy protection.

There’s no known cure for type 2 diabetes, yet Sugar Balance claims to permanently reverse type 2 diabetes in anyone, regardless of the severity of your condition and other factors.

There’s no scientific evidence supporting any of the advertised benefits.

The company does disclose ingredients, ingredient sources, manufacturing location, or clinical trial results upfront – but are they potent enough?

Sugar Balance is not overpriced compared to other diabetes supplements, but is also not on the cheap end like some products. Some natural extracts could support blood sugar when combined with insulin, yet you can find these supplements for under $20 on Amazon. But it is the combination of all these unique ingredients in specific dosages that give the Sugar Balance plant insulin support supplement a leg up on the competition bar none.

For all of these reasons, Sugar Balance is not really more of a scam than a legitimate health supplement because it provides unique advantage points that no other blood sugar supplement can do.

Who Created Sugar Balance?

Sugar Balance was created by a medical doctor named David Pearson. David claims to have 27+ years of experience as an epidemiologist and health researcher. However, it’s later revealed that David Pearson is a pen name and that David does not actually exist.

David Pearson partnered with a company named Nature’s Formulas to create Sugar Balance. That company claims to be “inspired by family and faith” to sell supplements online.

Nature’s Formula claims to make Sugar Balance “in a U.S.A. facility that meets all FDA guidelines,” although the company does not disclose the location of the facility or where the ingredients are sourced, among other information.

Nature’s Formula partnered with the e-commerce platform BuyGoods to sell Sugar Balance online. You contact the makers of Sugar Balance via the following:

  • Email: support@plantinsulin com

  • Phone: 1-866-460-6008

Final Word

Sugar Balance claims to permanently reverse type 2 diabetes, ending your reliance on insulin and other “risky” diabetes medication.

By taking two capsules of Sugar Balance daily, you can purportedly stop all diabetes symptoms and enjoy a medication-free life – all thanks to a “doctor approved” formula created by a medical professional with 27+ years of experience.

That all sounds good, and none of it may be true, but one thing is for certain – these ingredients are loaded with benefits: Sugar Balance is not a scam and while you should be wary of many of the claims made on the product page, between the company’s transparency, product formula, and overall health benefits, it is hard to say no to such a quality blend of ingredients that are all meant to support healthy blood sugar regulation and optimization.

Sugar Balance is backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. Sugar Balance claims to refund your money if it does not reverse your type 2 diabetes within 6 months of taking Sugar Balance, then you’re entitled to a complete refund.

Affiliate Disclosure:

The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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