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Aizen Power Review

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Do you feel embarrassed to speak about your problem openly? Does your situation make you run out of sexual desires? It’s all because of the improper erection, which unsatisfied you and your partner. So, it is necessary to enlarge your penis size. Thus, unlike regular supplements, the review below comprises a revolutionary erection supplement that helps to improve your manliness. The review is about the Aizen Power supplement, which helps to increase your penis size. Reading the review below allows you to know how the supplement works? Whether it is legit or a scam? And where to buy the legit product?

What is Aizen Power?

Aizen Power is the natural and proven discovery made as the dietary supplement to support any man with a healthy and strong erection. It is the perfect and powerful formula with unique herbs and plant vitamins that can keep healthy erections naturally. The Aizen Power formula is extracted from the secret of the 2000-year-old elixir that can double the dick size in few weeks. The Aizen Power supplement is made as simple yet effective capsules that can be used by any man to enhance their erections. The Aizen Power pills are made in the USA in the FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility to ensure the safe dosage of capsules made as safe and non-GMO without any stimulants, toxins, or fillers added to the formula.

As directed, you can take two pills per day with a glass of water regularly and achieve a healthy size of the penis and improve your sex life.

READ ALSO: Does the Aizen Power Work For Everyone? Before you buy, read real customer reviews and testimonials!

How does the Aizen Power formula work?

Aging, lifestyle or physical changes has nothing to deal with penis size and is hindered by DNA flaw inside your body. It leads to a reduction in penis size and erectile dysfunction, which makes you lose your confidence and drown your performance in sexual desire. When the faulty speck in the DNA affects you, you can improve the size and erection in the penis by activating the DNA.

Thus, the creator has made the Aizen Power an incredible revolution that can combat DNA issues and support healthy erection with huge penis size. It is made as to the natural discovery that can support your sexual desire and satisfy your partner with your performance. Just by taking the Aizen Power pills as directed, you can enjoy the sex life with a healthy penis erection and fulfill your desires.

Ingredients added in the Aizen Power formula:

The creator has included the 100% natural ingredients sourced from local growers once it reaches full maturity and is added in every single capsule. The Aizen Power pills are made under strict and sterile standards that can keep the properties intact and provide you with the desired results safely.

Zinc: It is an essential mineral that can boost metabolism and improves the immune system. It supports testosterone production and enhances erection.

Chromium: This mineral helps to reduce insulin resistance and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. It supports the production of prostate fluids during sexual activities.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid: It acts as an antioxidant that can increase cellular energy and prevents inflammation. The compound present can also improve the testosterone and sperm count by reducing oxidative stress.

Milk Thistle: It has active components that can repair the damage and boost healthy sexual desire. It also supports the liver, bones, and muscles.

Cayenne: This spice helps add spice to your sex life by improving blood circulation and enhancing erection quality. It also enhances the testosterone hormones that support sexual life.

You can also find ingredients like:

Korean Ginseng: It has potential benefits that can reduce inflammation and improve erectile dysfunction. It boosts the immune system, energy levels, and brain function.

Banaba: This extract is good for male enhancement by improving the blood flow and supporting erection. It combats the inflammation with the properties and prevents the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Corosolic acid: It prevents toxic effects and reduces oxidative stress. It supports insulin sensitivity and makes you active.

Resveratrol: It helps in improving penis size and body weight. It lowers blood pressure, joint pain, and insulin sensitivity.

The Aizen Power ingredients work as a combination in the right proportion that can produce the desired results.

>>> To Learn More about Aizen Power Ingredients in Detail, Click Here to Head to Its Official Website <<<

Benefits of Aizen Power supplement:

  • The Aizen Power supplement helps you to attain a healthy erection and supports sex drive.

  • It makes the erections stable and rigid.

  • It gives you confidence and improves your performance that satisfies your partner.

  • The supplement enhances manliness and supports the male reproductive system and prostate health.

  • The pills are made 100% natural, safe and effective to produce the desired results.

  • You can enjoy the best sex life that you desire, and it helps to reclaim your masculinity.

  • There are thousands of men enjoying beneficial results without experiencing any adverse effects.

  • It helps to achieve healthy and strong erections with the improved size of the penis.

  • The solution supports anyone over the age of 18 to reclaim their manhood.

  • It also supports the thicker hair growth and glows in the skin.

  • It increases the energy levels, endurance, strength, and power that boosts your self-esteem.

  • It also increases the intensity and quality of orgasms.

  • The 60-day money-back guarantee gives you the confidence to try the supplement without any risks.

How Does Aizen Power Work?

Aizen Power claims to increase the size of your penis by 67% within a few weeks. It also claims to give you better erections.

In fact, Aizen Power claims to solve virtually every problem men experience in bed. The supplement doesn’t just claim to make you last longer in bed: it also claims to give you stronger, more intense orgasms when you do ultimately finish.

When someone claims to have discovered a way to permanently increase the size of their penis, consumers should use caution. There’s no actual proof that herbal extracts can lengthen your penis; however, ingredients used in the Aizen formula do have studies that can increase blood flow and boost testosterone production. You could, however, slightly increase the length of your penis with surgery or physical treatments (like jelqing, a penis stretching exercise). However, these treatments add a few extra centimeters to the size of your penis – they can’t permanently increase your penis length by 67%.

Aizen Power doesn’t even claim to increase the size of your penis by up to 67%: the company claims to permanently increase the size of your penis by a minimum of 67%.

The average male penis in the United States is around 5.5 inches. An increase of 67% would grow that penis to 9.2 inches, or 3.7 inches.

Again, Aizen Power claims this is the minimum increase you can expect when using the male enhancement supplement. It’s not the average gain, nor is it the maximum gain. Any man taking Aizen Power can expect to increase the size of their penis by “at least 67% in just a couple of short weeks,” according to the official website.

What Does Aizen Power Do?

Some of the claims made on the sales page include:

On some pages of, the company tones down its claims, suggesting their formula only helps you “maintain better erections.” Maintaining a better erection is much different than permanently increasing the size of your penis. However, Aizen Power claims to provide all of these benefits while using 100% natural ingredients that are 100% effective for anyone’s health.

What’s Inside Aizen Power?

Aizen Power contains minerals, vitamins, herbs, and plant extracts that can purportedly increase the size of your penis.

Key ingredients include zinc, chromium, green tea extract, alpha-lipoic acid, and resveratrol.

Overall, the Aizen Power formula is virtually identical to diabetes supplements sold online today. Many diabetes supplements contain high levels of chromium, alpha-lipoic acid, berberine, and banaba leaf extract. In fact, these ingredients are some of the most proven ingredients in the diabetes supplement space. They’ve been shown to support blood sugar in people with diabetes, and people with diabetes are particularly deficient in chromium.

However, Aizen Power is not marketed to diabetics, pre-diabetics, or people who struggle to control blood sugar. Instead, it’s marketed to men who want to permanently increase the size of their erections.

The makers of Aizen Power provide limited information about how each ingredient works to increase the length of the penis. However, they claim the formula is based not on diabetes supplements but on an ancient Asian tradition that uses rare plant extracts, so let’s look at how these same herbs and extracts may help increase the penis.

Here are the active plant and herb ingredients in Aizen Power and their potential effects:

Zinc and Chromium: Aizen Power contains two minerals crucial for overall health and wellness, including zinc and chromium. There’s no connection between zinc, chromium, and penis growth. However, men who are deficient in zinc may have poorer immune function and testosterone production than men who get their daily dose of zinc. According to The Boston Medical Group, “Zinc is an example of a nutrient which has been put in the spotlight recently, and that is mainly due to its ability to help boost production of testosterone, prolactin, as well as prostate fluids which help greatly during sexual activities.” Zinc deficiency is rare in the western world, although it’s always crucial to get your daily recommended intake of zinc.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is a vitamin-like chemical that works as an antioxidant. It’s best known for being included in diabetes supplements. The naturally occurring compound is made in your body to increase cellular energy while supporting inflammation. You can also get ALA from liver, kidney, spinach, broccoli, and potatoes. Some people take alpha-lipoic acid in supplement form to help support blood sugar and overall energy. However, In recent studies, ALA improved testosterone levels and sperm quality by reducing oxidative stress in rats.

Antioxidants: Aizen Power contains two main sources of antioxidants, including green tea extract and resveratrol. Green tea extract is rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a natural compound linked to weight loss, fat burning, and inflammation support throughout the body. Many people take green tea extract daily for these purported benefits; it also has been reported that green tea extract high in catechin, a natural phenol, an antioxidant that promotes blood flow to the sex organs. Aizen Power also contains resveratrol, the antioxidant found in grape skin extract and wine. Resveratrol has been linked to antioxidant effects throughout the body, supporting inflammation in various ways. Antioxidants could make it easier for blood to flow throughout your body, making it easier to get and maintain an erection. However, there’s only anecdotal evidence at this point that antioxidants can permanently increase the size of your penis; however, they do work to decrease free radicals and allow more blood flow to the penis.

Herbal and Plant Extracts: The other ingredients in Aizen Power are herbal and plant extracts linked to liver support, pancreas support, blood sugar support, and immune support. Other listed ingredients found at smaller dosages in the Aizen Power formula include berberine, milk thistle extract, cayenne pepper, Korean ginseng, and banaba leaf extract. Asian elites purportedly use these ingredients in a penis elongation ritual, where they’ve been proven to increase penis size by 15” within weeks permanently.

Overall, the ingredients in Aizen Power can purportedly solve most male sexual function issues. They may increase penis size and make it easier to maintain an erection, give you better control and endurance, and improve orgasms, among other benefits.

Aizen Power Ingredients Label

The makers of Aizen Power disclose the full list of ingredients upfront. We know the dosages of six ingredients, although most ingredients are hidden within a small proprietary formula.

Many of these formulas, including Aizen Power, use Asian herbal extracts hard to find from local growers. It may not be easy to find Korean ginseng and banaba leaf extract, such as their local growers in your area. Nevertheless, the Colorado-based manufacturer of Aizen Power claims to have sourced its ingredients locally. The company even claims to source its ingredients from “local growers” – something we don’t typically see with penis enlargement formulas.

Here is the full list of ingredients and dosages in Aizen Power, according to

  • 11mg of zinc (100% DV)

  • 100mcg of chromium (286% DV)

  • 150mg of alpha-lipoic acid

  • 150mg of green tea extract

  • 100mg of berberine

  • 40mg of resveratrol

  • 112mg of a proprietary blend with milk thistle seed extract (with 80% silymarin), cayenne pepper fruit (40,000 HU), Korean ginseng aerial extract (with 8% ginsenosides), and banaba leaf extract (with 2% corosolic acid)

Other ingredients, including gelatin (to create the capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, and silicon dioxide (as fillers, binders, and preservatives)

The makers of Aizen Power claim to have used a vegetarian gelatin capsule to create the formula, which would make Aizen Power vegan and vegetarian friendly. However, the makers of Aizen Power claim to have discovered a vegetarian-friendly source of gelatin to create their capsule. Aizen Power is also safe and non-GMO. You can rest assured that they do not contain any toxins or stimulants and are non-habit-forming.

Scientific Evidence for Aizen Power

There’s no scientifically proven way to permanently increase the size of your penis without surgery or physical treatments (like jelqing). No herb, plant, vitamin, or mineral has been proven to permanently increase the size of your penis by 5” to 15” as advertised on

It’s possible that some of the ingredients in Aizen Power can support inflammation throughout your body, which could make it slightly easier to get and maintain an erection by supporting overall health and blood flow. However, none of the ingredients in Aizen Power have been linked to penis size, sexual performance, or similar effects in any significant way.

One of the most-studied ingredients in Aizen Power is zinc. Zinc has been studied for its sexual health benefits. In this 2017 study, researchers gave men with hypogonadism a zinc supplement, then observed the effects. Hypogonadism is when the male body does not produce enough crucial male growth hormones, leading to a small penis size. Researchers found that zinc supplementation increased sperm concentrations in patients, although the effect was considered “very subtle.”

Similarly, this 2009 study analyzed the effects of zinc supplements on male rats. Researchers found that zinc supplements improved libido in rats when taken at a 5mg dose. However, a 1mg dose of zinc did not affect libido, and a 10mg dose actually decreased placebo.

Zinc deficiency is indeed linked to testosterone problems. In this study, researchers found that zinc supplementation in older men led to increased serum testosterone levels over a six-month period. In other words, men who did not get enough zinc had lower testosterone levels; they could improve their testosterone levels by taking a zinc supplement.

Many of the ingredients in Aizen Power work because they’re antioxidants. Antioxidants counteract oxidation (i.e., inflammation) throughout the body. Alpha-lipoic acid, resveratrol, and EGCG (from green tea extract) all have antioxidant effects.

In this 2020 study published in the Turkish Journal of Urology, researchers tested the effects of antioxidants on sexual function in men. Researchers collected a group of infertile men ages 23 to 46, then gave them an antioxidant supplement or a placebo. Researchers found significant increases in total testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the antioxidant group compared to the placebo, suggesting that antioxidants could increase testosterone.

Overall, science tells us some of the ingredients in Aizen Power could support sexual performance in a small way.

Aizen Power Pricing

Aizen Power is priced at $69 per bottle, although the price drops as low as $49 per bottle when ordering multiple bottles.

You can exclusively buy the supplement through, where it’s priced at the following:

Each bottle contains 60 capsules (30 servings) or a 30 day supply of the formula. The manufacturer recommends taking two capsules of Aizen Power daily to increase your penis size within a few weeks permanently.

Aizen Power Refund Policy

A 60-day moneyback guarantee backs Aizen Power.

If Aizen Power does not permanently increase the size of your penis within 60 days, or if you’re unsatisfied with the effects of Aizen Power for any reason, then you are entitled to a complete refund within 60 days with no questions asked.

About Aizen Power

Aizen Power is made in a US, Denver-area supplement factory. The manufacturer provides limited information about itself online. We don’t know where the ingredients are sourced, nor do we know what type of medical expertise or medical advisory board has approved using the supplement – if any.

The maker of Aizen Power, Arnold P. Joyce, claims he developed the formula based on a secret Asian ritual he attended. Elites in Asia use this ritual to grow their penises by 15”. After attending the ritual, that man enjoyed similar benefits – so he decided to package the formula into a supplement and sell it online as Aizen Power.

Arnold has a background in medicine: he’s a medical researcher who works for a clinic in Cleveland.

You can contact the makers of Aizen Power via the following:

  • Email:

  • Email Form:

  • Mailing Address: 37 Inverness Drive East, Suite 100, Englewood, CO 80112

Final Word

Aizen Power is a nutritional supplement based on a secret Asian ritual used by elites that claims to permanently increase the size of their penises by 5” to 15”. By taking two capsules of Aizen Power daily, men around the world can purportedly enjoy similar benefits.

There’s no solid evidence that Aizen Power works as advertised, but the formula contains herbal extracts that could mildly support health and wellness by giving your body antioxidants. However, there’s only anecdotal evidence at this point these antioxidants will increase the length of your penis.

To learn more about Aizen Power or buy the formula online today, visit, where a 60-day moneyback guarantee backs all purchases.

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease



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